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Leading Without Authority: Share Examples of Times You've Influenced Others Positively

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Hello everyone,

I'm excited to share a few instances where I've had the opportunity to lead without formal authority and positively influence others. Leading without authority is about inspiring and guiding people toward a common goal through your actions and attitude. Here are a couple of examples from my experience:

1. Cross-Departmental Collaboration: In a previous role, our team was working on a complex project that required collaboration with multiple departments. While I didn't have direct authority over team members from other departments, I recognized the importance of aligning everyone's efforts for the project's success.


  • I initiated informal meetings to discuss the project's goals, challenges, and potential solutions.
  • I actively listened to concerns and suggestions from team members, regardless of their department.
  • I shared updates and progress reports to keep everyone informed and engaged.


  • Through open communication and mutual understanding, we were able to overcome obstacles more efficiently.
  • Team members from different departments started proactively reaching out to share insights and collaborate.
  • The project was completed on time and with better cohesion among cross-functional teams.

2. Peer Learning Initiative: At a workplace, I noticed that there was a lack of knowledge sharing among peers, which hindered the team's growth and efficiency. Despite not being a manager, I believed that facilitating peer learning could have a positive impact.


  • I proposed the idea of regular knowledge-sharing sessions during team meetings.
  • I volunteered to lead the first session, where I shared insights on a recent project's challenges and solutions.
  • I encouraged others to contribute their experiences and insights in subsequent sessions.


  • Team members began to actively participate in the knowledge-sharing sessions, exchanging valuable insights.
  • The initiative created a sense of camaraderie and collaboration within the team.
  • Overall, the team's problem-solving skills and efficiency improved, contributing to better project outcomes.

In both instances, the key was to focus on building relationships, fostering open communication, and genuinely caring about the success of the team and the project. Leading without authority requires empathy, active listening, and a commitment to the shared objectives.

I'm eager to hear about your experiences with leading without authority and positively influencing others. Let's continue sharing our stories and strategies for effective leadership!
